Sunday, September 30, 2012

How Much?

my close friend and i were talking about guys who go for sugar gay benefactors. we know they exist. we might even know one. but we've always said negative things about them at one point or another. i got into thinking, are we just sour graping? when it comes to worldly things, how strong is your resolve to resist and say "no, thanks"?


i remember meeting a client at work before. he was this big, burly effeminate Puerto Rican. try picturing Carrot Top, but Latino. and extra fabulous! at first he was just nice to me. and not that i was naive, but i initially wallowed in the generosity. generosity blossomed into going for fancier things, like high end restaurants, gifts and what-nots. i wouldn't do him justice if i claimed innocence in what's happening. i was aware of where it was heading, but i chose to tag along for the ride felt good.


all these years past and i remember how liberating it was, and yet it was so dirty at the same time. i had the world at my beckon. and yet, it wasn't what i really wanted.


something to remember when you get the urge to wallow in the hedonism: eventually people will get hurt. it's not a matter of if, but when. at that time, i knew that i chose to hurt him.


we are a product of our mistakes. and while i acknowledge that they were blunders, i prefer not to regret my choice. yes, at one point, i was this really ugly person.


we go through life, carrying scars. wounds of past mistakes. we always search for that one person who can look at us, scabs and all, and think "you are the most wonderful thing i have ever seen in my life". some of us end up lucky and find him, but most of us...well, we end up with someone who is just as scarred, if not more, as we are. the question now is, can you take his "ugly" as he takes yours?


sunday thoughts. mind reeling from driving through the crazy edsa traffic.


a simple wish: let this week give your character more value, no matter how incremental.

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